Pink Apophyllite
Apophyllite is a very high vibrational stone that helps you connect to your angels and spirit guides. It promotes lucid dreaming and astral projection. Apophyllite helps you to process spiritual information.
Pink apophyllite links to the heart chakra.
Measurements are an approximation
BB 390g
CC 508g
DD 581g
FF 235g
GG 270g
HH 318g
II 71g
JJ 378g
KK 246g
LL 193g
NN 174g
OO 210g
PP 238g
QQ 256g
RR 204g
SS 249g
UU 197g
XX 63g
ZZ 71g
BBB 137g
CCC 143g
DDD 59g
GGG 64g
III 66g
MMM 150g